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The Secret to Organizing Your Data (And It’s So Easy!)

Data can be defined in a lot of ways, but Wikipedia defines it as “individual facts, statistics, or items of information, often numeric.” You should be collecting and analyzing customer data (doing so can increase your bottom line). How do you even begin to understand the mounds of information (a.k.a, data) you have in your systems? 

Tags are one efficient way of organizing data. What is a “tag” exactly? A tag is a label you can assign to a set of data. A collection of data can have one or more tags, making them even more effective. Tags are similar to a social media post labeled with a hashtag (i.e., #datatags). You can look up the hashtag to find all the posts related to that tag.

Enrollsy allows customized tags for leads, staff members, and customers. Here’s how to create a tag system to quickly and easily organize customer profiles, statuses, and fees. 

Customer Profiles

One way to use tags is to tag your customers, making robust customer profiles that can be searched, filtered, and compiled into one customized report. You can create custom views of your data in Enrollsy by including and filtering any data elements you collect in your enrollment form (think demographic information, including race, ethnicity, marital status, income, education, employment, and more). But did you know you can also create internal tags for other things you may not be collecting? Tags work to surface up traits or information and extend Enrollsy's filtering capabilities far beyond what you collect in the enrollment process.

You can also add tags to classify your students. Organize those students by tags on class lists, check-in/check-out sheets, meal attendance, or attendance sheets. Or, filter them in our Instructor App. For example, in Enrollsy, you can print out a class list of students with allergies and/or taking medications. Or, consider a basketball camp for 4th through 6th graders. Each grade is divided up into different teams with kids of different skill levels. So, you create tags for "Beginner", "Intermediate", and "Advanced". While the app displays all kids in each grade to the coaches assigned, after an intelligent tagging occurs, coaches assigned to beginners can filter their list by that tag and voila! All three coaches for each grade level can quickly access their list of kids.


Another way you can use tags is to create status tags. Then you can sort your data based on these statuses. 

For example, you can use tags such as “emailed,” “texted,” or “tour completed” for your leads (a person who has expressed interest in your service or product). In Enrollsy, you can export these leads into a spreadsheet that can be organized by tags and used by your sales team (even if that’s you!).  

Tag your instructors by adding work schedule tags (i.e., part-time/full-time), forms received, background checks needed, classes they are teaching, etc.  


Another powerful way to use tags is in conjunction with the fees charged at enrollment. New customers can be automatically tagged based on specific fees. To accomplish this in Enrollsy, you set up certain triggers based on the fees charged. 

For example, someone enrolls in an extended care option and is charged the extended care fee. When this occurs, the system automatically inserts a tag called “Extended Care,” which can then be filtered. 

In Enrollsy, you can use tags to organize and sort enrollments and accounts into a variety of reports. For example, here are some possible tags that can be used to produce reports:

  • Care Add-Ons (i.e., Early Morning/Extended After Care)
  • Items Purchased 
  • Rentals (i.e., tent, sleeping bag, etc.)
  • Financial Aid or Scholarships given
  • Holiday/Breaks (i.e., Spring Break, Winter Break)
  • Contact methods (i.e., voice mail, text, email)
  • Allergies and/or Medications
  • Special fees (bus fee, materials, etc.)


Tags can be used in multiple ways to organize your overwhelming data easily. In Enrollsy, you can create tags to make customer profiles, create status labels, and establish automated tag triggers. 

With Enrollsy, all your tags are housed in the same window that can be opened on multiple pages, including our Instructor Portal. There you can create and edit all your tags in one location. 

To learn more about tags and how to use them in Enrollsy, see our Support Center. If you are not currently an Enrollsy customer, learn more about how Enrollsy can help you organize your overwhelming data and make administrative work much simpler!

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