New Feature: Bulk Transactions

To Automate or Not to Automate?
Automation is a critical benefit of Enrollsy and a big reason companies switch to us. Why spend time on perfunctory tasks that can easily be automated? Take billing and payments for example. Most of the time, these events can and should be automated: for your sake, and for your customer's sake. But what if you need to credit your entire customer base for something like...the last month of school because of a Coronavirus shutdown? Well, hopefully that never happens again, but there are some other events that may require a more manual application of credits, charges, or payments. Enter bulk transactions.
Bulk Transactions
Bulk transactions is a feature we are excited to provide! Who doesn't love being able to press a button and watch an hour's worth of work get taken care of in moments? To illustrate how this feature works, take quick look at some real-life use-cases we built this for.
Bulk Transaction Use Cases
Can I credit 1,000 customers' accounts a day's tuition or class fee because of a snow day?
100% YES!
Can I post class material fees class by class, quickly and easily?
Seriously, it's insanely easy...
Can I collect a one-off credit card payment for an upcoming field trip from 200 customers at the push of a button? And will I be able to have instant visibility into declined transactions and retry them if necessary?
Absolutely! And absolutely!
Enrollsy's billing/payment tools are extremely flexible. Want to see more?
Click here to set up a demo. We would love to learn about your needs and get you rockin' and enrollin'.
Bulk Transactions In Action
Bulk transactions are as easy as 1, 2, 3!
Enrollment-based and instructor-led business owners are basically contortionists. They have to be insanely flexible in order to deal with all the variables and possible scenarios thrown at them related to financial transactions. Enrollsy's bulk transactions feature combined with our powerful auto-processing features make Enrollsy an easy choice.
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